

Customer Testimonials

Adrian Stutterheim (Training and Recertification Manager) – Sayfa Systems UK Ltd

In all my years working in the construction industry, I have to say Vision Access are one of the most professional companies I have dealt with. They were enthusiastic, had a can do attitude, cheerful, organised, professionally dressed and very knowledgeable. They all work well together and always display a great team spirit.

Richard Couchman (Site Manager) – Drew Smith Group

Thank you Vision Access for the excellent work completed at our Sylvan Court Project. Having no previous knowledge of the Rhino deck Access system, I have been delighted with the speed and quality of the erection. Program wise, it has saved at least one week per floor on the building, compared to the tube and fitting scaffold we were planning on using. It is also a far better system for access, providing a safer and more practical working deck to use. The whole team has been a pleasure to work with, the positive ‘can do’ attitude towards program and safety onsite is a huge help in managing the construction process. I will be doing my best to use Vision Access on future jobs and will be happy to recommend them to any other prospective clients.